Zesty Greek Yogurt Cheese Log
Serves 12 • Prep Time: 10 minutes
What you will need...
1 x 200 g/7 oz
2 x 227 g/8 oz
1/2 cup • 125 mL
1/4 cup • 50 mL
2 Tbsp • 30 mL
2 cups • 500 mL
Summer Fresh Jalapeno Greek Yogurt Dip
packages of cream cheese, room temperature
cheddar cheese, grated
parmesan cheese, grated
green onions, chopped
Kashi* Zesty Salsa Pita Crisps
What you will do...
In a large bowl, mix together Summer Fresh Jalapeno Greek Yogurt Dip, cream cheese, cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese and chopped green onions. Then form the mixture into a log shape and place in the refrigerator to set.

Grind Kashi* Zesty Salsa Pita Crisps in a food processor into fine crumbs. After the cheese log is set, remove from fridge and roll in crumbs until well covered.

Serve with Kashi* Zesty Salsa Pita Crisps.

TIP: If you prefer something less spicy, substitute Summer Fresh Roasted Red Pepper Dip in place of the Jalapeno Greek Yogurt dip.

*Trademark of Kashi Company used under licence.

Kashi & Summer Fresh Appetizer Recipe – Jalapeno Greek Yogurt Zesty Cheese Log
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Copyright 2012 Summer Fresh Salads Inc. and Kashi Company
*©2012, Trademark of Kashi Company used under licence.
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