Garlic Hummus Mash
What you will need...
1 x 283g (10 oz) Summer Fresh Roasted Garlic Hummus
3 lbs Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and quartered
1/2 Cup butter
6 Tbsp Crispy onion strings
Fresh parsley, chopped, to taste
Salt & Pepper, to taste

What you will do...

1. Boil potatoes until tender, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and drain.

2. Add Summer Fresh Roasted Garlic Hummus, butter, and salt & pepper to taste. Mash with masher or fork until desired consistency.

3. Fill small ramekins with an equal amount of mashed potatoes and top with onion strings and fresh parsley.

ENJOY! Makes 6 to 12 servings.

What you can try...

Summer Fresh Caramelized Onion Hummus.

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